China Colonazing Africa?

Africa's history is laced with decades of colonial exploitation, but they have since the early 2000's china has shown a lot of strategic interest. China is after resources such as oil, gas, and metalsin order to meet their quota of energy imports and construction deamnds in order to sustain their manufacturing industry. Many African leaders embrace and promote economic engagemtn with China, it does offer some benefit such as improving the continesnt infrastructure deficite. The problem is many African nations such as Zambia, Angola, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Mozambique, Ethiopia, Sudan, Kenya and Djibouti are in debt to China forcing many of them to hand over assets or resources since many loans have a form of collateral in the terms of agreement. In the DRC, in return for the US$9 billion loan to upgrade road and rail systems that connect routes to extractive industries, China gained rights to extract up to 10 million tons of copper and 420 000 tons of cobalt over 15 years.  Kenya could also be under threat. Kenya is expected to default on its loan repayment terms and be forced to hand over the adjoining towns and the biggest port in East Africa to China for 99 years.


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